# useEffectExceptFirstRender

The useEffectExceptFirstRender hook is a custom React hook designed to execute an effect function after the initial render, excluding the first render.

# Usage

import { useEffectExceptFirstRender } from "hookverse";
useEffectExceptFirstRender(func, deps);

# Parameters

Name Description
func The effect function to be executed after the initial render, excluding the first render.
deps An array of dependencies to watch for changes. The effect function will be re-executed if any of these dependencies change.

# Example

import React from "react";
import { useEffectExceptFirstRender } from "hookverse";

const ExampleComponent = () => {
    () => {
      // Your effect function
      console.log("Effect executed except on the first render");
      /* dependencies */

  // Rest of your component logic

  return <div>{/* Your JSX content */}</div>;

export default ExampleComponent;

In this example, the effect function will be executed on every render except the first one.