# useClickOutside

The useClickOutside hook is a custom React hook designed to invoke a callback when a click event occurs outside a specified element.

# Usage

import { useClickOutside } from "hookverse";
const elementRef = useClickOutside(callbackFun);

# Parameters

Name Description
callbackFun The callback function to be invoked on click outside the specified element.


# elementRef

A React RefObject that should be assigned to the HTML element for which you want to detect clicks outside.

# Example

import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { useClickOutside } from "hookverse";

const ClickOutsideExample = () => {
  const handleClickOutside = () => {
    // Your callback function
    console.log("Clicked outside the specified element");

  const elementRef = useClickOutside(handleClickOutside);

  return (
      <p>Click outside this element to trigger the callback</p>
      <div ref={elementRef}>{/* Your content */}</div>

export default ClickOutsideExample;

In this example, the useClickOutside hook is utilized to detect clicks outside a specified element, triggering the provided callback function.